When you get to college you may realize how difficult it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Here are some healthy eating tips for incoming college students:
Eat Breakfast!
It’s super important to eat in the mornings before you go to class or whenever you wake up, even if that is in the afternoon. I cannot stress enough how much eating a good breakfast can help get you through the day. I have definitely struggled with eating in the mornings before class. Oftentimes, I wake up super late and barely have enough time to get ready before class so I find myself skipping breakfast. On these days, I have trouble focusing on my school work. On the days that I do eat breakfast, I can easily focus on my work because I have a full stomach.
Snack smart.
As a college student, it is difficult to eat healthy all the time. This is especially true when the easiest snacks to reach are the potato chips or cookies in your dorm. I suggest going to campus market and buying some healthy snacks. These can include celery and peanut butter, yogurt, string cheese, hard boiled eggs, fruit bowls, and nuts. First year Cal Poly Student, Olivia Treadway states that one of her favorite foods to eat on campus are "the fruit bowls from the 805 Cafe."
Leftovers are key!
Going out to dinner can be costly but it is definitely the best way to give yourself a break from campus food. When you do go out to dinner, I think it is smart to eat what you can and then get to-go boxes for the rest of your food. You will thank yourself later when you have leftovers in your fridge that can be eaten for 2-3 more meals.
Limit that caffeine intake.
As much as we college students need our Yerba Mattes and daily dose of Starbucks to get through midterm and finals week, it is important not to rely on these as a substitute for sleep! Many college students find themselves pulling all-nighters to study for exams or finish research papers that are due the next day. They turn to coffee, energy drinks, or highly caffeinated drinks to force themselves to stay awake. This is not the right way to go through college. You will lose sleep and end up not being able to concentrate in your early morning classes.
Drink water throughout the day.
Keeping your water bottle filled at all times and always accessible at the side of your backpack will help encourage you to drink water throughout the day. It is important to drink at least eight glasses of water a day and if you exercise, you may need even more! Water helps flush toxins out of your body and can prevent dehydration and illness.